Smart Greeny

About Smart Greeny

Service provider for creating and designing websites Complete online marketing services for all types of businesses, from small businesses to large businesses. With the continuous development of Saran Tech technology.

Servies Smart Greeny

Carbon Footing Software For Organization

Calculating the amount of greenhouse gas emissions of an organization With this software, you won't have any hassle anymore. It will be able to display which process, which department, or which part of the organization has the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. This is because the amount of greenhouse gas emissions is a reflection of insufficient efficiency of work, So you can immediately know which processes to improve. Or which sector will reduce your costs? To preserve this world to be a better place to live in for a long time. We all need to consider our Carbon footprint more. 

Carbon Footing Software For Product

Calculating the amount of greenhouse gas emissions of products With this software, you won't have any hassle anymore. Able to estimate the amount of greenhouse gas emissions emitted throughout the life cycle of a product. It is calculated in the form of carbon dioxide equivalent. Use principles for evaluating impacts throughout the life span. Since the acquisition of raw materials, Production process, use and disposal of product remains after use It is to show information to consumers that How much greenhouse gas emissions are produced throughout the life cycle of those products? This will help in making purchasing decisions for consumers. 

Environmental Consultant

Environmental consulting services Quantity of greenhouse gas emissions of products and organizations.

Green Office Software

The software shows the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from your organization's energy use. Makes you know the cause exactly. Edit precisely and reduce unnecessary energy use By allocating resources appropriately.